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Published On 10/15/2024
In this Salt Lake Tribune Commentary, Brian King asks you to vote for him as Utah's next Governor
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Published On 10/15/2024
Charlotte Maloney's Letter to the Editor in the Scottsdale Independent describes her visit to Scottsdale and the pleasant surprise of finding those who understand Arizona's role in our fight to preserve American democracy during this election cycle.
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Published On 10/9/2024
In this Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed, Sheila describes her background growing up in a family that needed to "pinch pennies". Combined with her CPA license, that bio uniquely qualifies her to be the next Salt Lake County Treasurer.
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Published On 10/8/2024
Stacy's Op Ed in the Ogden Standard Examiner describes the reasons she is running to represent her Senate District in the Legislature. Her life story is inspiring! Be sure to check it out.
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Published On 10/8/2024
Brian King's Letter to the Editor suggests an alternative and respectful way to approach the University of Utah's use of the Ute name and logo for its sports teams.
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Published On 9/24/2024
Wendy Davis is quoted extensively in this Washington Examiner article that explores the line between the candidate as a private person and as a candidate/public official
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Published On 9/24/2024
This Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune exposes single issue pro-life voters for their support of other anti-life policies.
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Published On 9/13/2024
Kevin's Op Ed in the Standard Examiner argues against passage of Amendment A, a measure that would free the Legislature to use income tax revenues for purposes other than public education--a mandate currently embedded in our constitution.
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Published On 9/12/2024
Maryam describes her reaction to the Democratic National Convention through her lens of growing up in Iran.
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Published On 9/9/2024
This Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune calls out the logical inconsistency of those who believe that Trump was spared assassination by divine intervention
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Published On 9/4/2024
This Letter to the Editor in the Standard Examiner speaks out against the Utah Constitutional Amendment that would ensure the Legislature's ability to gut/overturn citizen-led ballot initiatives.
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Published On 9/4/2024
This Op Ed in the Standard Examiner speaks against the Trump economic plan, arguing that the proposed tariffs echo the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act that was a major factor in precipitating the Great Depression.
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Published On 8/29/2024
Check out Wendy's discussion of her run for office as she describes it in this Future Hindsight podcast interview.
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Published On 8/28/2024
This Salt Lake Tribune Commentary outs the Legislature's recent effort to gut Utahn's ability to speak through ballot initiatives by putting a constitutional amendment on November's ballot that would give them the ability to overturn any Citizen Initiative
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Published On 8/17/2024
Kevin argues in this Deseret News Op Ed that universal free school lunches are important to academic performance and the overall health of our kids.
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Published On 7/20/2024
This OpEd in the Ogden Standard Examiner calls out Trump as it relates to his actions and plans to restrict the rights of women to access reproductive Health Care
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Published On 7/19/2024
This OpEd in the Provo Herald and Ogden Standard Examiner recounts the dangers posed by the SCOTUS immunity ruling, the assassination attempt, and Project 2025. Our UT Supreme Court ruling lends hope.
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Published On 7/17/2024
This Salt Lake Tribune Letter to the Editor describes the many ways in which Project 2025 proposes policies that limit, rather than expand our freedoms.
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Published On 7/17/2024
Ann's Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune decries the building of Inland Port facilities on 9,000 acres of wetlands in Weber County.
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Published On 6/25/2024
This Guest Editorial in Utah Policy traces the opportunities we missed to reign in the criminal corruption of former President Trump and calls on our elected leaders to actually lead.
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Published On 6/16/2024
Natalie's Op Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune ties together a Father's Day tribute to her father and other fathers with her reasons for running for the At Large seat on the Salt Lake County Council
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Published On 6/9/2024
Wendy Davis explores DEI policy during this interview for Forbes Magazine, putting it in the context of the current deluge of anti-DEI legislation.
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Published On 6/3/2024
Carolyn Gleich, Angela Romero, and Wendy Davis are featured on this ABC interview focused on women in politics.
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Published On 5/30/2024
Shireen's Op Ed in the Tribune makes the need for emergency reproductive health care real and personal by describing her experience with a miscarriage.
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Published On 5/30/2024
This Letter to the Editor in the Ogden Standard Examiner sounds alarm bells regarding the damage done by Trump to all three branches of our government.
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Published On 5/26/2024
Maryam's Salt Lake Tribune Letter to the Editor honors women around the world who face and overcome monumental obstacles.
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Published On 5/26/2024
Representative Spackman-Moss and others wrote and signed this Salt Lake Tribune Letter to the editor in support of Jeff Howell's candidacy for House District 23 of the Utah Legislature, noting his support for education.
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Published On 4/18/2024
This Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune calls out Trump's bluff when it comes to his positions on women's reproductive rights.
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Published On 4/7/2024
This OpEd in the Deseret News calls on our congressional delegation to call for a cease fire in Gaza along with release of hostages, increased aid, and and end to military aid if international law continues to be violated.
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Published On 4/1/2024
Kevin, a WDC member and candidate for the Granite School Board (2nd precinct) wrote this critique of the legislative action relevant to Utah's schools.
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Published On 4/1/2024
Wendy Davis rocked an interview on Inside Utah Politics (Channel 4) regarding her new book, The Fight You Don't See. Her segment starts at 14:35
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Published On 3/24/2024
Senator Blouin's Op Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune calls out Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes and the Republican power structure for their mentality of unaccountability and attacks on those who call them out.
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Published On 3/7/2024
This Op Ed in the Ogden Standard Examiner and Provo Herald highlights the various pieces of a puzzle that are coming together into a picture of white Christian nationalism that threatens our democracy.
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Published On 3/3/2024
This letter to the Salt Lake Tribune editor describes the frustration, anger, and despair felt my many Utahns as we anxiously wait for the 45 day legislative session to end, thereby hoping to stop the damage for at least another year.
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Published On 3/3/2024
WDC member Jen Schwartz, who is a mental health counselor, explores the impact of the recent "bathroom bill" on transgender youth and their families, including her own in the Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune.
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Published On 2/28/2024
Christine's Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune describes her experience from returning from the West African island where slaves were loaded for transport and coming back to the news that our Legislator had abolished DEI efforts in schools and government.
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Published On 2/27/2024
The authors push back in their Deseret News Opinion piece on Rep Johnson's bill that would establish a College of General Education within Utah universities.
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Published On 2/27/2024
This Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed makes the case for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts by arguing that the benefits go well beyond issues related to racial diversity.
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Published On 1/30/2024
Sue Robbins speaks up in her opinion piece to the Salt Lake Tribune regarding the impact of this year's "bathroom bills" on the transgender community.
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Published On 1/30/2024
KSL features Senator Kathleen Riebe and Representative Mark Wheatley discussing their repeated efforts to pass a resolution that would result in Utah's ratification of the ERA.
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Published On 1/29/2024
Terri Jo Lorz's opinion piece in the Ogden Standard Examiner and Provo Daily Herald calls out Governor Cox for his support of the "Equal Opportunity" bill that is anything but, as it bans programs that support marginalized groups--classic gaslighting.
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Published On 1/29/2024
Charlotte Maloney's Letter to the Editor in the Salt Lake Tribune puts in a good word for the Grand Theater, located on the Salt Lake Community College Campus.
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Published On 1/5/2024
Deondra's Op Ed in the Deseret News argues for the need to find "middle ground" in our community life, allowing progress to occur.
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Published On 1/5/2024
Kelley addresses the concerns of the LDS Church regarding the Equal Rights Amendment in this You Tube Video.
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Published On 1/2/2024
In her OpEd in Utah Policy, Deborah Gatrell calls out the contrast between the teachings of Jesus and those of Christian nationalism, personified by those who fly the "No Quarter" flag. We cannot serve both, as the two are direct opposites.
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Published On 12/25/2023
Dr Jarvis's commentary in the Salt Lake Tribune focuses on the inequities in Utah's health care system while advocating for a single payer system.
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Published On 12/17/2023
Deborah Gatrell's Op Ed in the Tribune talks about the disconnect between obsession with banning books with "sensitive" content and a failure to address the epidemic of gun violence that is truly killing our children.
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Published On 12/11/2023
Sarah Reale and Darlene McDonald are cited extensively in this Salt Lake Tribune article. It regards their opposition to efforts by the State Board of Education to repeal requirements for educational equity as a relevant concept embedded in administrative rules.
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Published On 12/10/2023
Darlene McDonald's OpEd in the Salt Lake Tribune honors the life of a long time friend and advocate for civil rights and a more just and peaceful society, Gail Blattenberger.
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Published On 11/30/2023
This WDC Board Op Ed, published in three papers, explores the implications of three educational bills that are under consideration this year. All deserve our efforts to oppose them.
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Published On 11/15/2023
WDC Member Sarah Young's piece in the Salt Lake Tribune makes the case for her election to the Salt Lake City Council.
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Published On 11/7/2023
Christine Helrich's Salt Lake Tribune Letter to the Editor calls out Senator Mike Lee's suggested use of BLM lands to solve our housing crisis.
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Published On 11/7/2023
Watch WDC Member Brian King discuss his potential bid for governor and the state of the Democratic Party on The Hinkley Report
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Published On 11/7/2023
Rep Briscoe's Op Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune discusses the appointment of a physician who is hostile to the Transgender community to the panel providing oversight of their participation in sports.
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Published On 10/29/2023
Issues Director, Ellen Brady, addresses the current conflict between Israel and Hamas in her Letter to the Editor published in the Salt Lake Tribune.
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Published On 10/29/2023
WDC Member and Executive Director of Unsheltered, Wendy Garvin, argues that Rocky Anderson is the better Salt Lake City mayoral candidate to address problems of our unsheltered citizens.
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Published On 10/15/2023
This Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed challenges the Utah Legislature to pick up the slack in child care funding and resources now that monies available under the Rescue Plan have ended.
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Published On 10/1/2023
Donna's Op Ed in the Standard Examiner and Provo Herald recounts her experience during the commemoration of the first reading of the ERA in Seneca Falls 100 years ago. It is time to finally publish it in the constitution!
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Published On 10/1/2023
This Deseret News Letter to the Editor argues that Congress should restore the fully expanded Child Tax Credit as part of their current budget negotiations.
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Published On 9/24/2023
In this Letter to the Salt Lake Tribune, WDC member Terri Jo Lorz urges women to find their voices on key issues confronting us today
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Published On 9/15/2023
WDC member Sherri Park's Letter in the Salt Lake Tribune points out that frequent moves make it more difficult for young adults to keep their voter registration current, preventing them from voting.
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Published On 8/22/2023
The authors argue in this Deseret News Letter to the Editor that Critical Race Theory is not contrary to MLK's teaching and efforts but, in reality, is central.
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Published On 8/20/2023
The authors describe their efforts as Salt Lake City Council Members to address inequities in their West Side communities in this Salt Lake Tribune OpEd.
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Published On 8/2/2023
Rep Bennion argues in her Daily Herald Op Ed that Utahns need to pay attention to the policy positions of persons running for office. Not surprisingly, Democrats most often advocate for measures that reflect the values of most Utahns.
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Published On 7/27/2023
Kelly Whitehead Jones marks the 100th anniversary of the first reading of the Equal Rights Amendment with a plea in this Salt Lake Tribune editorial for ongoing efforts to ensure its publication in the Constitution.
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Published On 7/18/2023
Deborah Gattrell discusses the real school gun safety issue in this Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed--student suicides.
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Published On 7/18/2023
The WDC Board's Op Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune ties together the common thread in recent SCOTUS decisions--white male Christian nationalism
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Published On 7/17/2023
France Barral's LTE in the Salt Lake Tribune calls out State School Board member Natalie Cline's efforts toward 'cleansing' school libraries and curricula as equivalent to Don Quixote's efforts to fight windmills.
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Published On 7/7/2023
Vickie Samuelson, a board member of Utah ERA Coalition, reports in her Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed on a recent video call during which Rep. Ayanna Pressley, MA-D, provided updates on current efforts to obtain official recognition of the Equal Rights Amendment’s ratification.
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Published On 7/3/2023
WDC Issues Director, Ellen Brady, opines in Utah Policy that the SCOTUS Moore decision should empower Utah's Supreme Court to overturn Utah's legislative gerrymandered congressional districts.
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Published On 6/30/2023
The WDC sends its congratulations and endorsement to Senator Kathleen Riebe on her nomination to run as the Democratic candidate for the CD2 seat vacated by Chris Stewart.
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Published On 6/26/2023
WDC Member Wendy Garvin's LTE in the Salt Lake Tribune speaks out against Rep Johnson's recent comments regarding atheists in Utah. She notes that the volunteers in her efforts to aid the homeless include those of diverse faith backgrounds, including many atheists.
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Published On 6/26/2023
Kael's Op Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune explains his decision to not run for the now open CD2 seat and encourages Democrats to move forward past the divisive senate race.
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Published On 6/21/2023
Issues Director, Ellen Brady's Op Ed in the Ogden Standard Examiner and Provo Daily Herald provides an update on the status of the ERA as the 100th anniversary of its introduction approaches. Takeaway: Contact our Congressional delegation to encourage passage of HJR 25
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Published On 6/16/2023
WDC Member Sherri Park's Op Ed in the Salt Lake Tribune calls out the decision to remove a UTA bus decorated in support of the LGBTQ community from the Pride Parade for the bullying it was.
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Published On 6/13/2023
Nikki weighs in on the Salt Lake City Mayoral race, stating that Mayor Mendenhall has advanced LGBTQ+ causes within the city. Further, temperament matters.
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Published On 6/6/2023
The upcoming special elections to replace Representative Chris Steward give Utahns an opportunity to restore balance to our delegation by electing a Democrat or moderate Republican.
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Published On 3/26/2023
This LTE in the Salt Lake Tribune discusses concerns about HB152--the Legislature's attempt to regulate social media platforms in the interest of child safety.
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Published On 3/13/2023
WDC Member and Democratic Candidate for Senate, Kael Weston gives a shout out to some of the heroes and heroines of this Legislative session, working hard to make real differences for Utahns.
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Published On 3/11/2023
As noted in this Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed, anti-racism implies an active effort to eradicate racism and racist policies. It is NOT racism, as Rep Johnson implied.
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Published On 3/2/2023
Women perform better than men by several measures such as college enrollment and home buying. Its time for men to address the reality of their backlash to a changing world. Published in the Standard Examiner, the City Weekly, and the Salt Lake Tribune.
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Published On 2/10/2023
Issues Director Ellen Brady discusses the impact of HJR2, SB87/SJR6, and SB129 on issues of separation of powers and women's rights.
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Published On 2/9/2023
Senator Nate Blouin, a WDC member, and Sarah Baldwin envision the future of an energy grid transitioned smoothly from coal to clean with the help of Biden's infrastructure dollars.
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Published On 2/4/2023
In her Op Ed to the Salt Lake Tribune, WDC member Darlene McDonald talks about HB215 and its "zero sum" underpinnings and impact on public education.
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Published On 2/4/2023
Luanne's Letter to the Editor in the Deseret News talks about the disproportionate impact of the food tax on the poor.
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Published On 2/2/2023
Rep. Karianne Lisonbee is sponsoring a bill (HB219) in the Utah Legislature to prohibit state law enforcement from enforcing or cooperating with federal enforcement of gun laws.
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Published On 1/24/2023
WDC Issues Director, Ellen Brady, aims at Rep Brammer's efforts to retroactively overturn the court's injunction against the abortion "trigger ban" (HB174) in this piece in Utah Policy.
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Published On 1/23/2023
Salt Lake County Democratic Party First Vice Chair, WDC member, and teacher speaks out in a Salt Lake Tribune Op Ed against the latest effort to slip a voucher bill through the legislature disguised as "scholarships" and prettied with salary increases for teachers.
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Published On 1/8/2023
WDC Member Rochelle Kaplan highlights concerns about misinformation and provides simple ways to fight against it in this Salt Lake Tribune Letter to the Editor.
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Published On 12/30/2022
This Op Ed in Utah Politics roundly condemns all that was conveyed by the "Former's" Thanksgiving dinner with two white supremacists at Mar a Lago and encourages our Congressional Delegation to speak up against the bigotry and horror it represented.
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Published On 12/29/2022
WDC Member Brett Garner revisits the 2022 elections with practical advice for our efforts going forward.
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Published On 11/25/2022
WDC Issues Director reflects on the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections and the efforts that are still needed to preserve our democracy.
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Published On 11/23/2022
WDC Board Member Catherine Voutaz responds to an OpEd by former UDP Chair Jeff Merchant with regard to the reasons Democrats lose--its messaging.
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Published On 11/23/2022
WDC Issues Director, Ellen Brady, wrote the following piece for the WDC Newsletter following the November 19, 2022 shooting at the Club Q in Colorado Springs.
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Published On 11/4/2022
Nate Blouin, the Democratic candidate for Senate District 13 and WDC member urges us to vote wisely and not out of fear generated by wedge issues.
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Published On 11/4/2022
Lannie Chapman, WDC Member and Candidate for Salt Lake County Clerk speaks to her candidacy, the importance of the job, and the attributes needed to do it well.
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Published On 11/3/2022
Salt Lake City Council and WDC member speaks out on the issue of trains that routinely block commuter traffic coming from the West side.
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Published On 11/3/2022
Alejandro Puy, a newly elected Salt Lake City Council and WDC member writes about the barriers keeping minority candidates from running for office and winning.
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Published On 10/31/2022
Charlotte Maloney makes a cogent argument for the election of one of our members, Lynette Wendel, for HD 36 vs her opponent, Jim Dunnigan, the longstanding incumbent "career politician".
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Published On 10/31/2022
WDC Member, UDP Secretary, and Senate District 20 Democratic Candidate Jill Fellows looks at the abortion debate from the perspective of what we don't understand about the stance of the Mormon Church--that it is basically quiet on the issue.
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Published On 10/30/2022
Wendy Davis' Letter to the Editor addresses the ruling that allows the lawsuit brought by the League of Women Voters/Mormon Women for Ethical Government to go forward. It opposes the legislative override of the boundaries set by the Better Boundaries Commission.
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Published On 10/6/2022
Our Issues Director, Ellen Brady, published another Letter to the Editor related to the need to renew the Child Tax Credit, this time in the Deseret News.
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Published On 9/26/2022
WDC Issues Director, Ellen Brady, encourages Senator Romney to work toward passage of his Family Security Act, but to modify it in ways that ensure that the most vulnerable children are benefitted.
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Published On 9/18/2022
WDC member Kael Weston calls out Republicans for the things they say behind closed doors.
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Published On 9/15/2022
Another of our members, Kathleen Nielsen, published a Letter to the Editor in the Ogden Standard Examiner promoting the need to elect Rosemary Lesser and Monica Hall as a means to maintaining/advancing a more balanced two-party system in Utah.
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Published On 9/15/2022
WDC Member Angela Tarbet talks about her canvassing experience in House District 10 in her Letter published in both the Ogden Standard Examiner and the Salt Lake Tribune. Voters want candidates with expertise! Representative Lesser's experience as an OB-GYN makes her an excellent choice at a point when reproductive rights for women is "on the ballot"
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Published On 8/31/2022
WDC member Angela Tarbet asks this important question in her recent Letter to the Editor
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Published On 8/14/2022
WDC Member and CD 4 Congressional Candidate Darlene McDonald speaks out in a D-News Guest Opinion on the Great Salt Lake and water crisis in Utah.
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Published On 8/7/2022
Read WDC member and CD4 Candidate Darlene McDonald's Letter to the Editor following the historic vote in Kansas that affirmed a woman's right to privacy and thus access to abortion and other reproductive health care.
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Published On 7/25/2022
WDC member Rochelle Kaplan has published an excellent Trib Editor to the Editor on inflation. Check it out!
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Published On 7/25/2022
The Baltimore and Uvalde shootings, along with the overturn of Roe v Wade are a call to action. Vote!
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Published On 7/25/2022
WDC Member Judy Calder published this excellent Letter to the Editor calling for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment.
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Published On 7/25/2022
WDC Member and HD 41 Representative Gay Lynn Bennion's Op Ed in the Tribune outlines common sense ways to reduce gun violence.
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Published On 7/25/2022
WDC Board member and former Prosecutor in Utah's Special Victims' Office Donna Kelly discusses the overturn of Roe v Wade from her perspective
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Published On 6/24/2022
Robert Burch gave attendees at the Juneteenth WDC Luncheon a great overview of the history of African Americans and slavery in Utah. Enjoy!
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Published On 5/6/2022
Tribune Op Ed in the aftermath of the leaked draft SCOTUS decision that would overturn Roe v Wade.
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Published On 5/2/2022
The WDC pays tribute to Psarah Johnson, who died April 29, 2002. She was a fierce advocate for any and all marginalized group, but especially for those living with disabilities, as she did.
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Published On 4/30/2022
This letter to the editor was published in the Salt Lake Tribune in response to reporting around plans to introduce an amendment to the Utah GOP platform's statement on abortion that would eliminate exceptions for rape, incest, or the life of the mother.
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Published On 4/30/2022
This statement was released after vetoed HB0011. It is a bill that bans transgender women from participation in interscholastic sports.
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Published On 4/30/2022
The WDC issued this statement in support of Ukraine
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Published On 4/30/2022
This Letter to the Editor was Published in the Park Record on February 12, 2022 in response to Rep Phil Lyman's HB 371--an effort to overturn Utah's Vote by Mail election procedures.
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Published On 4/29/2022
Salt Lake Tribune Letter to the Editor urging Romney to vote favorably for Ketanji Brown Jackson's appointment to the Supreme Court
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Published On 4/29/2022
The WDC issued this statement following the UDP Convention on April 23rd, at which time delegates voted against placing a Democratic candidate for US Senate on the November ballot, but instead chose to support the independent candidacy of Evan McMullin.
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Published On 4/29/2022
The WDC issued this statement in support of transgender women following a special session of the Utah State Legislature called specifically to overturn Governor Cox's veto of HB0011, a bill blocking transgender women from participation in high school interscholastic team sports.
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Published On 11/15/2021
Wendy Davis and Lynette Wendel, both democrats, nearly unseated long-time Republican state lawmakers Steve Eliason and Jim Dunnigan in 2020. They discuss the impact of redistricting on Democratic and women candidates in a KUTV interview with Christina Flores
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Published On 10/15/2021
New Laws in Texas invade women's personal autonomy and agency
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Published On 5/14/2019
The Riverton City Council has made that city “a sanctuary city for the unborn.” The author discusses the impact of that decision in this Letter to the Editor.
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2024 Bill Tracker (Against)

Published On 2/14/2024

This bill eliminated the Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) program in Education and Government Agencies. The bill may place sense NOT BELONGING on families and youth who identify as a person of color.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill in particular specifies that any ballot initiative that increases taxes must say where the money will come from to pay for the tax increase.

Overall, it would require a ballot initiative that results in a tax increase to get 60% approval from voters to pass instead of the current majority (50%) requirement.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill removes human sexuality from the definition of sex education instruction.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill establishes a standard regarding distinctions on the basis of sex and applies the standard in certain facilities and opportunities where designations on the basis of sex address individual privacy, bullying, and women's opportunities.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill changes the repeal date of the Municipal Alternate Voting Methods Pilot Project.
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Published On 2/14/2024
Prevents school officials and employees from supporting, promoting, or criticizing certain beliefs. The bill was previously called “Classroom Neutrality”.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill provides that an election officer is only required to send ballots by mail to active voters who request, in a voter registration form or another written document, to receive all future elections by mail.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill addresses nomination for an elected office of a member of a qualified political party, specifically eliminates a candidate nominated for that office through the signature-gathering process if a party nominated candidate receives 70% or more of the vote for an elective office at a nominating convention
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill provides that, for a ballot that is mailed to be valid, the election officer must receive the ballot before the polls close on election day. Link to read full test of HB214.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill creates the Educator-Protector Program to incentivize school teachers to responsibly secure or carry a firearm on school grounds by providing reimbursements and liability protection.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill addresses general land use authority; addresses vested critical infrastructure materials protection operations. Allows property owners unconditional rights to override local ordinances and zoning laws in order to turn their properties into a mine, quarry, or gravel pit.
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Published On 2/14/2024
Allows the state the option to purchase an electrical generation facility intended for decommissioning if no buyer purchases at full fair market value.

Could result in Utah owning a 40-year old coal plant and SB120 would put Utah Legislators in charge of it. To keep the coal plant operational would require hundreds of millions of dollars.
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Published On 2/13/2024

Defines two categories instructional materials that can be investigated and removed from Utah’s public schools: 1) Objective sensitive materials: Instructional materials deemed so pornographic or indecent that they violate the “bright line” rule as defined in Utah code 76-10-1227. This is the worst category. 2) Subjective sensitive materials: Instructional materials deemed pornographic or indecent that do not violate the “bright line” rule but are deemed to have no serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value. This is the less-worse category.
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Published On 2/13/2024

This bill requires additional reporting for agencies/programs requesting or reauthorizing use of federal funds like Medicaid. It removes exemptions from agencies and programs previously exempt from current federal funding planning and reporting requirements.
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2024 Bill Tracker (For)

Published On 2/14/2024

This bill creates flexibility in how state employees use parental leave to care for their family, including: to bond with a child or incapacitated adult; to adjust to the arrival of a new foster child; and to deal with post-partum recovery.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill makes the earned income tax credit refundable.
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Published On 2/14/2024

Would establish an actual Office of Families in the Department of Health and Human Services. Currently, the "office" is represented only by a part-time advisor to the Governor, with no formal staff.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill creates the Coordinated Care Services for Children with Disabilities Grant Program to award one or more grants for implementation of a statewide program to provide qualified enrollees with coordinated care services with the goal of enabling an individual to live at home and not be placed in an institutional setting.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill would establish and fund a wage supplementation program for registered child care workers in Utah, to ensure a minimum level of compensation for the child care workforce. It would also allow the Office of Child Care to grant child care subsidies to a child who has a parent or legal guardian working in the child care sector, regardless of household income.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill establishes a Child Care Capacity Expansion pilot program. State buildings will be retrofitted and utilized for child care programs. Private sector employers will help to fund access to the child care program for their own employees. Quality childcare providers will be contracted to run the programs.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill extends the Medicaid coverage eligibility threshold for pregnancy from the current 144% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) to 185% FPL. This bill would also remove the 5-year waiting and extend Medicaid coverage to pregnant and postpartum women who are permanent residents.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill defines terms; restricts the use of lawn or turf by certain governmental entities; and makes technical changes.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill extends the repeal date for the SafeUT and School Safety Commission.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill enacts an income tax credit for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by an educator.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill modifies the individual income tax credit for social security benefits.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill creates the Stipends for Future Educators Grant Program.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill provides rulemaking authority to the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) for Statewide Online Education Program (the program) funding.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill provides for grants to local education agencies to employ additional educators in high-need schools.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill amends provisions related to collecting signatures for, or removing signatures from, an initiative form, and initiative petition or referendum petition. Provides that an individual who signs an initiative packet or a referendum packet must read the entire statement included with the packet; does not require an attestation that the individual understands the statement or law.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill allows for the licensing of abortion clinics and allows an abortion to be performed in an abortion clinic; removes the 72-hour waiting period before an abortion may be performed; modifies the material that must be included in an information module and website concerning abortion.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill creates a waiting period between the purchase of a firearm from a dealer and the delivery of the firearm to the purchaser.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill requires that a firearm is secured and provides penalties.
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Published On 2/14/2024
This bill enacts civil and criminal provisions relating to an individual's failure to safety store a firearm in certain circumstances.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This joint resolution of the Legislature ratifies the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
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Published On 2/14/2024
This bill directs the Great Salt Lake Commissioner to make a plan and conduct a pilot program to address wet water years.
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill establishes a grid enhancing technologies program to incentivize electric utilities to deploy technologies that increase transmission system capacity, efficiency, and reliability in already existing transmission corridors
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Published On 2/14/2024

This bill addresses emission issues related to air quality, possible revocation of a vehicle registration for avoiding emissions testing, clarifies civil penalties, requires specified state agencies to develop plans to reduce emissions.
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Published On 2/14/2024
This bill amends provisions relating to firearms and ammunition including amending offenses related to a restricted person in possession of a dangerous weapon to include ammunition and makes possession of a firearm on which the identifying marks have been altered or removed a crime.
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Published On 2/14/2024

Requires a law enforcement agency to report certain information on lawfully seized firearm.
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Published On 2/14/2024
This bill addresses the need for a water database within the state.
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Published On 2/14/2024

Law enforcement data collection and reporting concerning firearms including lost or stolen firearms, disposition of firearms in the custody of law enforcement.
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