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HomeClub ByLaws


Article I -Meetings


Section 1.                    Regular Meetings

The Regular Meetings of the organization (hereinafter after also referred to as “WDC”) shall be held monthly on the first or second Saturday at a place and time designated by the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”).


Section 2.                    Suggested Order of Business

  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance, optional
  3. New members, guests & visitors introduced, the President’s report, Announcements
  4. Lunch
  5. Guest speaker, followed by Q & A discussion
  6. Treasurer’s Report: February, August
  7. Committee Reports as appropriate
  8. Members’ Announcements
  9. Adjournment


Section 3.                    Annual Business Meeting

The February meeting shall be the Annual Business Meeting. The fiscal year shall be from January 1st to December 31st. The Recorder shall make all minutes and records of the previous year available for inspection. The Treasurer shall make a final report of the previous year and the records shall be available for inspection. The Membership Director shall make a report, including the number of new members.


Section 4.                    Board and Special Meetings

Executive Committee and Special Meetings may be called by the President or at the request of two (2) Executive Committee members. Board meetings shall be called by the President or by any three (3) members of the Board. The President may invite non-Board members to attend Board and Special Meetings.


Article II -  Membership Dues


Section 1.                    Dues

Annual dues shall be determined by the Board. Current members will be notified of any change to the annual membership dues.


Section 2.                    Payment of Dues

Annual dues in an amount set by the Board of Directors shall be due annually on the member’s anniversary date to the WDC.


Section 3.                    Failure to Pay Dues

Any member who fails to renew shall not be considered a member in good standing, and shall not be allowed to vote or run for office until the second meeting following payment of dues.


Section 4.                    Membership Information

WDC shall make every effort to keep membership information confidential, including names and contact information. Membership information may be used for communication and projects in support of the WDC mission.


Article III -  Voting

Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote on any organization business. No proxy voting shall be permitted. Each eligible member may vote in person, by mail, virtually, or by e-mail according to procedures established by the Board of Directors.


Article IV -  The Board of Directors and the Executive Committee


Section 1.                    The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of five (5) members: President, Vice President, Recorder, and Treasurer, elected every two (2) years, and the immediate Past President. A quorum shall consist of three (3) members. The Executive Committee shall, subject to Board of Directors later approval, act in emergencies including making time-sensitive decisions that would be otherwise infeasible by the entire Board of Directors, appoint Managing Directors after nomination by the President, provide advice and counsel to the President, and nominate successors to fill vacancies subject to approval by the Board of Directors.


Section 2.                    Board of Directors

The Board shall consist of thirteen (13) members: the Executive Committee and eight (8) appointed Managing Directors (Information Technology, Communications, Program, Events, Membership, Issues, Outreach, and Fundraising). A quorum shall consist of six (6) members. The Board of Directors shall carry out WDC business between general meetings, approve the annual budget, approve expenditures, establish operating and financial policies and perform any other duties provided for in these Bylaws. 


Section 3.                    Vacancies

If any elected or appointed officer resigns, is unable to or fails to fulfill the duties of their office, the Board of Directors may declare the office vacant by a majority vote and the Executive Committee may appoint, subject to the Board of Directors approval, a successor to fill the vacated office for the unexpired term, for a period of time or for a specific project.


Article V -   Duties of Elected Officers


Section 1.                    President

The President shall be elected by the membership The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer, represent the organization at all times and act as the official spokesperson of the WDC. The President shall preside over all meetings of the WDC, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, and make appointments to Managing Director positions. In addition, the President should stimulate active interest in the political process, provide a constructive role for active volunteers, contribute to effective leadership and individual responsibility, and promote harmony among the WDC membership, between other WDC organizations and within the Utah Democratic Party. The President shall also pre-approve any written correspondence and official media communications on behalf of the WDC. On approval by the Board, the President is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of WDC. The President shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


Section 2.                    Vice President

The Vice President shall be elected by the membership. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence or at the President’s request. The Vice President shall replace the President if the office becomes prematurely vacant. The Vice-President shall be responsible for all duties assigned by the President as well as supervising various Committee Chairs, and obtaining committee reports, if applicable. The Vice President shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


Section 3.                    Recorder

The Recorder shall be elected by the membership. The Recorder shall keep an accurate record of all Regular Meetings, the Annual Business Meeting, all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and any Special Meetings, maintain a file of written reports by officers and committees, give a Summary Report at the Annual Business Meeting. The Recorder shall make available for inspection the minutes of all meetings upon request of any member in good standing, provide notices to all members regarding proposed resolutions, endorsement of political candidates, and any proposed amendments to WDC Bylaws. The Recorder shall maintain a record of all official correspondence, collect and organize articles, photos, letters to the editor, and other material which represents a history of the activities of WDC and deposit these records with the Utah State Historical Society at the direction of the Board. The Recorder shall turn over all records to their successor in good order. The Recorder shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


Section 4.                    Treasurer

The Treasurer shall be elected by the membership. The Treasurer shall collect dues and deposit all WDC funds; maintain an accurate record of WDC receipts and expenditures; make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors; provide monthly and annual reports of the WDC financial status to the Board of Directors; prepare an annual budget for Executive Committee approval; make the books and all other financial records of the WDC available to the Audit Committee, ensure all appropriate Federal and State campaign disclosure reports and applicable tax returns are filed. The Treasurer shall give a full Financial Report at the Annual Business Meeting. The Treasurer shall make the records available for inspection upon the request of any member in good standing. The Treasurer shall turn over all records to their successor in good order. The Treasurer shall be responsible for such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


Article VI -   Duties of Appointed Managing Directors


Section 1.                    Information Technology (IT) Director

The Information Technology (IT) Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be a member of the Board. The IT Director shall be responsible for maintaining and updating WDC’s database, WDC’s website, Integrated Systems and other information repositories, secure document repositories, and shall review online information to ensure it is current and accurate. The IT Director shall post information relating to upcoming meetings and events and shall, at the direction of the President or the Program Director, send out notices or other information to the membership. The IT Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


Section 2.                    Communications Director

The Communications Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be a member of the Board. The Communications Director will set and guide the strategy for all communications, the website, public relations messages and collateral. The Communications Director is responsible for managing the overall communication activity including social media accounts (overall content, program and event information, maintaining Facebook pages and groups, Twitter Feed, and Instagram, analyzing and adopting new social media platforms) in order to create public awareness. The Communications Director shall regularly notify media outlets of scheduled WDC meetings and activities. The President and/or the Communications Director shall handle all requests from the media. The Communications Director shall serve as the contact person at WDC meetings and events and shall assist media representatives in attendance. Communications Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


Section 3.                    Program Director

The Program Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be a member of the Board. The Program Director shall be responsible for organizing the monthly lunch program.  The Program Director will work with the IT Director to place program information on the WDC website and the Communications Director to provide program information to the members and through social media. The Program Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board.


Section 4.                    Events Director

The Events Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be a member of the Board. The Events Director shall maintain a current calendar of all events sponsored by WDC and those events WDC regularly participates in and/or plays a role in, events sponsored by the State Democratic and County Parties, candidates, charities, and progressive organizations. The Events Director shall notify the Board in a timely manner of upcoming activities, and shall oversee the planning, execution and/or participation in any event the Board approves. The Events Director shall develop and recommend to the Board events that may benefit the organization. The Events Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board.


Section 5.                    Membership Director

The Membership Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be a member of the Board. The Membership Director shall be responsible for increasing and diversifying membership. The Membership Director may organize a committee to plan and execute methods for increasing membership, and to make recommendations for expanding membership to the Board. The Membership Director shall assist the IT Director in the maintenance of the membership database(s) to ensure its accuracy. The Membership Director, in coordination with the Treasurer and the IT Director, shall maintain a current paid membership list. For in person events, the Membership Director shall be responsible for members’ name badges. The Membership Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board.


Section 6.                    Issues Director

The Issues Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and is and shall be a member of the Board. The Issues Director shall monitor issues relating to the organization’s Mission and advise the President, the Executive Committee and/or the Board, as appropriate, of current and proposed actions by State, County, City or Municipal Governments, and any other organizations or information sources that are of interest to the membership. The Issues Director and the IT Director shall coordinate to ensure that information concerning these issues and actions is distributed to the membership in a timely manner. The Issues Director shall make recommendations to the President, the Executive Committee, and or/the Board, for response to these proposed official actions and information. The Issues Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board.


Section 7.                    Outreach Director

The Outreach Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board and shall be a member of the Board. The Outreach Director shall coordinate all efforts to expand WDC awareness and membership throughout the state. The Outreach director shall organize Chapters throughout Utah by supporting chapter organizing activities. Coordination shall include developing rules under which all Chapters abide by the WDC’s Constitution and follow WDC Bylaws. New chapters shall be approved by the Executive Committee. The Outreach Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee. 


Section 8.                    Fundraising Director

The Fundraising Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Board and shall be a member of the Board. The Fundraising Director develops fundraising strategies, formulates fundraising programs, and oversees all fundraising activities and special fundraising events. The Fundraising Director identifies new donors, acts as a liaison with the community to promote awareness, establishes relationships with funding partners and solicits donations. The Fundraising Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board. 


Section 9.                    Candidate Support Director

The Candidate Support Director shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be a member of the Board. The Candidate Support Director shall be responsible for planning and administration of candidate contributions, candidate support events, and will maintain relationships with individuals who plan on running for public office. The Candidate Support Director shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or by the Board.


Article VII -Nomination of Candidates and Election of Officers


Section 1.                    The Nominating and Election Committee

The Nominating and Election Committee shall consist of five (5) members: four (4) members shall be elected from the floor at the September meeting; and one (1) shall be by the Executive Committee. No member may serve on the Nominating and Election Committee for two consecutive terms. The Nominating and Election Committee will present its nominations for elected offices at the October meeting, after which nominations may be made from the floor by any member in good standing.


Section 2.                    Eligible Members

No member can be nominated for the office of President who has not previously served on the Board of Directors.


Section 3.                    Elections

Elections shall be held in November at the regular meeting. Elections shall be by anonymous ballot, except when there is one nominee the election may be by voice vote or acclamation. The Election Committee shall distribute, collect, and count ballots. The Recorder shall announce the results.


Section 4.                    Installation of Officers

Officers shall be installed at the December meeting.


Article VIII -Committees


Section 1.                    Rules and Revisions

The Vice President and the Parliamentarian shall serve as Co-Chairs. The Recorder and two members appointed by the Executive Committee shall constitute the Committee. The Committee shall, at the direction of the Board or at the request of a majority vote of the membership, review the Constitution and the Bylaws and make recommendations to the Board for the good of the organization.


Section 2.                    Audit Committee

The Audit Committee shall provide oversight of the financial reporting process and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. The Committee includes three (3) members appointed by the Executive Committee to serve on the committee who may have accounting, audit, finance, or business backgrounds. The Audit committee shall meet annually with the Treasurer and the Membership Director to:

  1. Ensure appropriate current officers are signers on the bank account: The President, Past President, the Treasurer and the Program Director.
  2. At each year end, verify the ending year-end bank statement balance to the financial bank statement balance. Determine the appropriateness of any outstanding deposits and disbursements not recorded by the bank.
  3. Verify all check numbers are accounted for, including voided checks (if a check is voided, a mutilated copy should be on hand for viewing).
  4. Verify all disbursements are approved based on the financial policies approved by the Board of Directors or meeting minutes.
  5. Cash disbursements should be very rare and an inquiry made about them, if they arise.
  6. Ensure each member’s receipt for their appropriate level of dues was properly recorded. If any dues are uncollected, determine their status and the next steps to recover and/or revoke membership.
  7. Review the annual financial reporting versus the approved budget prepared for the year. If any large variances exist, seek an explanation.
  8. Ensure disclosures and tax filings are completed by the Treasurer.
  9. Discuss and recommend to the Board of Directors any risk management policies and practices.
  10. Discuss and recommend to the Board of Directors any modifications to the financial, accounting and disbursement policies, if warranted.

Section 3.                    Other Committees

The Executive Committee may establish such committees as necessary to carry out the purposes of the organization. These committees may include fundraising, events, candidate endorsement, or any other committee the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors deems necessary.


Article IX -  Bylaws


Section 1.                    Suspension of the Bylaws

Any Bylaw may be suspended at any Regular Meeting or Annual Business Meeting by a three quarters (3/4’s) vote of those present and eligible to vote.


Section 2.                    Amendment of the Bylaws

The Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of members in good standing at any Regular Meeting or Annual Business Meeting, provided that the proposed changes have been presented for discussion at the previous Regular Meeting.


Revised and Adopted April 2023
Revised and Adopted November 2023

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