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HomeRun for Office

Scholarship Application

We want you to run for political office!

Have you ever thought about running for office or serving on a state or local board? Don’t know where to start? The Women’s Democratic Club has you covered. 

Our mission is to encourage women to seek public office and to support progressive Democrats seeking elective office.
 To that end, we offer training scholarships to passionate and capable women committed to making a difference.  

Check out what prior scholarship recipients are saying:

Apply for a scholarship to the Women’s Leadership Institute’s (WLI) Political Development Series (PDS).

WLI PDS offers a one-of-a-kind, nonpartisan political candidate training program for women in Utah.


It will teach you the “how” and “why” of running for public office or applying for a local or state board.

Over the course of six months (meeting once a month from September to February approximately 11:00 am – 2:00 pm) you will hear from a variety of experts and participate in various workshops – all designed to prepare you for a local, state-wide or federal office.


Q: How do I apply?

Begin Your 2024 Scholarship Application

Q: Where can I learn more about the Political Development Series?

Women’s Leadership Institute’s (WLI) Political Development Series (PDS)

Q: When will I know if I have been selected to receive a scholarship?

  • June to July - Applications being accepted
  • August – Scholarship applications are reviewed by Women’s Democratic Club Scholarship Committee
  • August – Announcements of Scholarship Recipients
  • September - Scholarship Recipients register with WLI PDS after receiving code from WDC Utah Scholarship Committee
  • September 2024 - WLI PDS workshops begin and will meet Tuesdays, 10:30 - 2:00 pm at 1 South Main Street, 18th Floor, SLC

Q: What is the value of the scholarship?


Q: What will I learn from the Political Development Series?

  • Why women in politics – why we need YOU running for office
  • Campaign steps and deadlines
  • Signatures vs. caucus system
  • Develop and refine your voice and message as a political candidate
  • Demographic/constituent research: issue development
  • Image and public speaking tips
  • Online and mass media strategies for campaigning
  • Using databases: how to reach constituents; marketing and media/social media
  • Advice on overcoming fear and opposition
  • Fundraising and finance tips
  • Public budgets: revenue and expenditures, budget cycles and processes
  • Bonus: Exclusive, interactive group of current and past PDS students
  • Bonus: Online learning portal to facilitate learning all month
  • Bonus: Session recordings for participants who cannot make a particular session.

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