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HomeNominating Committee
Nomination Form

Every two years, the Women's Democratic Club holds elections for all four officer positions. It’s an open election and any Club member may nominate individuals positions.  The Deadline is October 14.


Officers include: President, Vice President, Recorder, and Treasurer. The duties are summarized here:



The President shall be elected by the membership The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer, represent the organization at all times and act as the official spokesperson of the WDC. The President shall preside over all meetings of the WDC, the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors, and make appointments to Managing Director positions. In addition, the President should stimulate active interest in the political process, provide a constructive role for active volunteers, contribute to effective leadership and individual responsibility, and promote harmony among the WDC membership, between other WDC organizations and within the Utah Democratic Party. The President shall also pre-approve any written correspondence and official media communications on behalf of the WDC. On approval by the Board, the President is authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of WDC. The President shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the Board.


Vice President

The Vice President shall be elected by the membership. The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence or at the President’s request. The Vice President shall replace the President if the office becomes prematurely vacant. The Vice-President shall be responsible for all duties assigned by the President as well as supervising various Committee Chairs, and obtaining committee reports, if applicable. The Vice President shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.




The Recorder shall be elected by the membership. The Recorder shall keep an accurate record of all Regular Meetings, the Annual Business Meeting, all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and any Special Meetings, maintain a file of written reports by officers and committees, give a Summary Report at the Annual Business Meeting. The Recorder shall make available for inspection the minutes of all meetings upon request of any member in good standing, provide notices to all members regarding proposed resolutions, endorsement of political candidates, and any proposed amendments to WDC Bylaws. The Recorder shall maintain a record of all official correspondence, collect and organize articles, photos, letters to the editor, and other material which represents a history of the activities of WDC and deposit these records with the Utah State Historical Society at the direction of the Board. The Recorder shall turn over all records to their successor in good order. The Recorder shall be responsible for other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.




The Treasurer shall be elected by the membership. The Treasurer shall collect dues and deposit all WDC funds; maintain an accurate record of WDC receipts and expenditures; make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors; provide monthly and annual reports of the WDC financial status to the Board of Directors; prepare an annual budget for Executive Committee approval; make the books and all other financial records of the WDC available to the Audit Committee, ensure all appropriate Federal and State campaign disclosure reports and applicable tax returns are filed. The Treasurer shall give a full Financial Report at the Annual Business Meeting. The Treasurer shall make the records available for inspection upon the request of any member in good standing. The Treasurer shall turn over all records to their successor in good order. The Treasurer shall be responsible for such other duties as may be assigned by the President or the Board.


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